LeetCode Weekly Contest 159-Part I
- The contest consists of 4 problems: one easy, two medium and one hard problem.
Problem 1: Check If It Is a Straight Line
Description: You are given an array coordinates, coordinates[i] = [x, y], where [x, y] represents the coordinate of a point. Check if these points make a straight line in the XY plane.
- Needs aware of:
- Vertical and horizontal lines.
- Data type in number division (int / int => int, needs to cast to double in C++).
- My solution:
- Runtime: 12ms
- Memory: 10.2 MB
bool checkStraightLine(vector<vector<int>>& coordinates) {
int dx = (coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0]);
int dy = (coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1]);
bool vertical = false;
bool horizontal = false;
double slope = 0.0;
if (dx == 0) {
vertical = true;
} else if (dy == 0) {
horizontal = true;
} else {
slope = static_cast<double>(dy) / static_cast<double>(dx);
int test_dx = 0;
int test_dy = 0;
double test_slope = 0.0;
for (int i = 2; i < coordinates.size(); i++) {
test_dx = coordinates[i][0] - coordinates[0][0];
test_dy = coordinates[i][1] - coordinates[0][1];
if (vertical) {
if (test_dx != 0) return false;
} else if (horizontal) {
if (test_dy != 0) return false;
} else {
test_slope = static_cast<double>(test_dy) / static_cast<double>(test_dx);
if (test_slope != slope) return false;
return true;
Problem 2: Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem
Description: Given a list of folders, remove all sub-folders in those folders and return in any order the folders after removing.
First try solution:
- Construct the whole filesystem tree with node as fullpath, then depth-first-search to collect non-subfolders.
- This use up a lot of memory, but have some kind of tree for other use?
- Runtime: 880 ms
- Memory: 235.9 MB
struct Tree {
string root = "";
unordered_map<string, set<string> > adj;
vector<string> removeSubfolders(vector<string>& folder) {
unordered_map<string, bool> real_name;
//vector<Tree> trees;
Tree tree;
// parse every folder into vector of trees
for (int i = 0; i < folder.size(); i++) {
vector<string> sub_folders;
size_t prev_slash = 0;
size_t next_slash = folder[i].find("/", 1);
string next_folder = folder[i].substr(0, next_slash);
while (next_slash != std::string::npos) {
prev_slash = next_slash;
next_slash = folder[i].find("/", prev_slash+1);
next_folder = folder[i].substr(0, next_slash);
//cout << "adding: " << next_folder << " to real_name\n";
real_name[next_folder] = true;
// construct into tree
for (int j = 0; j < sub_folders.size()-1; j++) {
//cout << "inserting: " << sub_folders[j+1] << " to " << sub_folders[j] << "\n";
vector<string> results;
vector<string> stack;
for (auto it = tree.adj[tree.root].begin(); it != tree.adj[tree.root].end(); it++) {
if ((*it).length() > 0) {
//cout << "pushing: " << *it << " to stack\n";
while (stack.size() > 0) {
/*cout << "Stack: ";
for (auto it = stack.begin(); it != stack.end(); it++) {
cout << *it << " ";
cout << "\n";*/
string now = stack.back();
if (real_name[now]) {
} else {
// for all children of 'now'
for (auto it = tree.adj[now].begin(); it != tree.adj[now].end(); it++) {
if ((*it).length() > 0) {
//cout << "pushing: " << *it << " to stack\n";
//cout << "\n";
return results;
- Needs aware of: (after looking at solutions from other.)
- Folder paths can be sorted by string length, then binary search a target string will find the location of the target’s parent (right before target).
- A String-kind problem.
- Faster solution (from discussion:
- Runtime: 244 ms
- Memory: 35.7 MB
vector<string> removeSubfolders(vector<string>& folder) {
sort(folder.begin(), folder.end());
vector<string> result;
vector<string>::iterator it;
for(string &s: folder) {
it = lower_bound(result.begin(), result.end(), s);
if(it != result.begin()) {
if (result.empty() || it->compare(0,it->length(),s,0,it->length()) != 0 || s[it->length()] != '/') {
return result;
- Final Notes:
- Tree/Graph data structure needs to be practiced more.
- Needs to review problem types more carefully.