Today is the first day of week 3 during my substitute military service. Back from a relaxing weekend with smallblue, I have to re-focus on my side projects.

Currently, my side project is a food recommendation application using React. The reason why I chose this direction is because thinking what to eat everyday is an everlasting problems. Moreover, I think along with machine learning, I still need to develop more skills as an software engineer.

Therefore, in this morning I utilized the breakfast time (with snacks brought from home) to keep going my udemy course - From Junior to Senior Web developer. Today’s progress was introducing asynchronous tests and “enzyme” (testing library for React components):

  • Asynchronous tests need to return an promise in order to evaluate the results.
  • “Enzyme” provides API like shallow, render, mount to wrap the JSX component. These wrappers can then be tested.

In daytime, I was reading “Clean Code”. The chapter was describing writing clean code regrarding an system. It mentioned some important design principle such as:

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  • Inversion of Control Principle (including Dependecy Injection)
  • Open-Closed Principle

Though these principles seem distant to me since I did not have many development experience. They surely provided some guidance worth remember in my later career.

Around 17:20, I increased my running distance from 3km to 4km to push my limit. It was tedious and exhausted, but after finishing the running it felt soothingly confortable.

Hopefully, this exercise habit remains long enough for me.